DIY: Eyelash Lift At Home

So, I stumbled upon this trend on YouTube of eyelash lifts at home. The results from multiple videos seemed pretty promising, and the kit used to perform the lift was relatively cheap, so I decided why not try it.

For this DIY, I used the following things:

• Silicone Head Disposable Mascara Wands (Set of 10 for $.77 on eBay)
• Meisheng Eyelash Curling Kit ($4.99 on eBay)
• Silicone Eyelash Perming Rods ($.99 on eBay)
• Duo Latex Free Eyelash Glue ($4.49 at Target)
• Q-Tips

So for a little over $11, you can curl your lashes at home as opposed to a traditional lash lift at a spa that can cost you $100+.

The only downside of ordering from eBay is when your order internationally, shipping can take anywhere from about 18 to 25 days.

This is what the kit looks like from the front and back:

Here's a photo of the inside of the kit:

The white rods that you see at the top can be used instead of the silicone rods, but they can be pretty uncomfortable and hard to adhere to your eyelid.

The kit's packaging features a reflective surface that can be pretty hard to read.

The instructions on the back are as follows:

1. Thoroughly clean the eyelashes.

2. Choose the proper roll for the eyelids.

For this step, I recommend using the silicone rods. They feature a textured part and a smooth part. It can be easier to work with if you cut off the smooth part of the rod and only work with the textured part.

3. Thinly appply eyelash glue over the lid.

4. After partly dry, putthe roll on the upper eye lid.

Be sure you let the glue dry for about 30 seconds before adhering the rod to your eye. I also apply glue to the rod, so it adheres better.

5. Apply glue to the front of the rod.

Once again, give the glue time to dry then using a toothpick or a disposable mascara wand press your lashes upward to adhere onto the rod.

Once your lashes have been glued to the rod, they should look like this:

6. Take some Cold Wave Cream no. 1 (the pink bottle) and apply it on your lashes. This is used for curling.

Depending on your eyelash density, let the solution stay on your lashes for the recommended time then wipe it off as best as you can. I followed the guideline for normal lashes and kept the solution on my lashes for about 18 minutes and used a damp q-tip to wipe off the cream.

7. Take the Cold Wave Cream no. 2. (the white bottle) and apply it using a disposable mascara wand to your lashes for the recommended time. This cream is used for setting. I follow the normal eyelash recommended time of 18 to 20 minutes.

8. Take the third solution (the yellow bottle) to your lashes for 3 minutes before wiping off. I use a Q-Tip for this.

9. Take the fourth solution (the clear bottle) and use it to wipe the glue reside off of your eyelids and lashes. Usually, this solution isn't enough to wipe off all the glue I used, so I follow up with using a makeup removing wipe.

After this step, I'll comb through my lashes with an eyelash comb.

I'm definitely satisfied with the results of this kit. My lashes were definitely more curled and more lengthened. I've used this kit twice, and the results last for about a month.

Also, I have sensitive skin and did not have any issues while using this kit.

Thanks for reading,


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